Curious About Cloth Kit!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Your nursery may be cute and sweet, but is it healthy?

Your nursery may be cute and sweet, but is it healthy?

Ready to build that beautiful new nursery for your baby?  There’s a little more to it these days than which motif to choose.  Over the last several years, there has been a growing awareness of toxins in our environment.  This applies to your new nursery as well.  You want to think everything is safe when you buy it from your favorite baby store, but just because it is on the shelf, does not mean it’s safe.  The government does not regulate many of the toxins that manufacturers use.  So it is up to the consumer to be aware and beware!

“As long as your not eating off it, it should be fine.”  I’ve heard this statement and this is far from the truth.  Did you know that the air in our homes is often far more polluted than the air outside?  The products we buy contribute to the air quality in our homes.  Some items actually emit the toxins they are made from into our air and sometimes you can actually smell it.  Think of fresh paint, something plastic you just opened or a  new piece of furniture.  Sometimes its not so easy to smell but it’s there.

Good Morning America recently did an investigation where they tested the air of a newly painted, furnished nursery.  What did they find?  Are you sitting down?  The air in the nursery contained 300 different chemicals.  Outside of that same home they found only 2 chemicals.  The crib mattress itself contained more than 100 chemicals.  Can you imagine putting your baby down on that?  You can read about the study here:

The laws are not there yet to protect us, to protect our children.  There are some wonderful groups who are working to change that, but for now its about information and action.  This may seem overwhelming, especially when all you want to do is get ready for that new little life.
There are many steps you can take and many products out there to consider.  Thankfully the word is getting out and manufacturers are responding.  

California has responded to this crisis with new regulations. One way to shop is by checking to see if the item meets the California standards.  There are great new paints that emit low to no volatile chemicals.  There are now flooring options that are safer.  In furniture look for real woods and make sure you check how it stained or painted.  At the very least, you must air out that room before baby comes home.  

Please take the time to learn about every item you put in your new nursery or call us.  I will do that for you.  A cute and sweet nursery - a plus, but a healthy nursery - a necessity!!

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