Curious About Cloth Kit!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hatch in the News!!!!

Jennifer Borget from YNN, Time Warner's 24 hour news station is interested in doing a story on baby planners for her segment "Growing Up Texas." What? Pitter patter my heart!  Being on TV is not my idea of fun, but an experience I don't want to miss.

The two weeks leading up to the interview were torture.  What will I say?  Will we be able to get our message across?  What do I wear?  Two weeks of worry.  Two weeks of planning.

Jennifer arrives at Alisa's house alone.  She is camera person and interviewer.  She is super sweet and makes us feel comfortable.  Thoughts race through my head.  First and foremost, stop sweating!!  Jennifer is ready and I am first!  Yikes!  I run to the bathroom for a powder check.  Stop sweating.  Don't ramble!  I know I ramble!

Camera on, camera ready.  The questions begin and I talk and talk and talk and talk.  My passion for this business came overflowing out of my brain, out of my mouth, out of my heart and out of my sweat glands.  Done! Finite!  That was easy.  Alisa's turn.  What a pro!  So poised.  I want a re-do!

Then more waiting.  We would be on the air in two weeks.  Another two weeks of waiting and worrying.  What's done is done I suppose and I trusted that Jennifer would do us up good!

Viola!  The finished product.  Go Hatch Baby Planners!  Bring on the mommies!

Growing Up Texas: Planning for your newest addition

By: Jennifer Borget

You may have heard of wedding planning or financial planning, but now, expectant parents can hire a planner.
It’s a growing trend, helping new parents through the trials and changes of having a baby. Those in the baby planning industry say it's quite different from any other type of planning.
"Baby planners help expecting parents get ready for their baby," Hatch Baby Planners Co-Founder Nicole Rinaldo said. "It's completely different than having a baby, preparing you for your whole life. It's an amazing experience, something that's going to completely change your life."
From helping parents find specific doctors or midwives to home baby-proofing and sending out baby announcements, planners can take care of some of the things you don't want to, so you have more time to for the things you enjoy.
"You do not have to spend every weekend up at the baby store examining everything then still coming out frustrated. We can go in and say 'Ok, you need this kind of stroller? Here's four, take a look at those and let us know what you think,'" Hatch Baby Planners Co-Founder Alisa Copeland said.
Gear is constantly changing, along with national standards and regulations, and it’s a baby planner's job to know the difference and tell you about it.
"There are a lot of parents out there who work up until the baby is born and they do not do anything. We're for the people who really just don't have the time to invest," Copeland said. "We're not for everybody, but for the ones who need us, we're there from beginning to end."
From the clueless to the carefree, it's a service that could help relieve some of the new pressures of parenthood.
A baby planner can also help a mom who is on bed rest during her pregnancy. They can cost anywhere from $50-$150 an hour depending on the service. In many cases, the planning can continue to the child's first birthday party or beyond.


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